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Landslides & Slope Instability

Engineering Geologists | Planners & Developers | Finance & Insurance | Member of the Public


Subsidence & Collapse Hazard

Engineering Geologists | Planners & Developers | Finance & Insurance | Member of the Public


Seismic Hazard

Engineering Geologists | Planners & Developers | Finance & Insurance | Member of the Public


Flood Hazard

Engineering Geologists | Planners & Developers | Finance & Insurance | Member of the Public


Tsunami Hazard

Engineering Geologists | Planners & Developers | Finance & Insurance | Member of the Public


Volcanic Hazard

Engineering Geologists | Planners & Developers | Finance & Insurance | Member of the Public


Gas Hazard

Engineering Geologists | Planners & Developers | Finance & Insurance | Member of the Public


Fault Reactivation Hazard

Engineering Geologists | Planners & Developers | Finance & Insurance | Member of the Public

Landslide & Slope Instability Geohazards

Landslide Introduction  | Landslide Types | Landslide Distribution  | Landslide Classification | Causes & Triggers | Rock Fall | Rock Topple | Rock Slide | Block Slide | Rock Flow | Rock Avalanche | Sturzstrom | Debris Fall | Debris Topple | Debris Slide | Block Slide | Debris Spread | Debris Flow | Soil Fall | Soil Topple | Soil Slide | Slab Slide | Soil Spread | Soil Flow |

Landslide & Slope Instability Geohazards: Introduction

The term landslide, as defined by Cruden (1991) for the Working Party on World Landslide Inventory, denotes “the movement of a mass of rock, debris or earth down a slope”. Varnes (1978) indicated that slope movement would be a better comprehensive term as it did not infer process. Varnes defined a landslide as 'a downward and outward movement of slope forming materials under the influence of gravity'. Brunsden (1984) preferred the term mass movement and distinguished this from mass transport as being a process which did not require a transporting medium such as water, air or ice (Dikau et al, 1996). The phenomena described as landslides are not limited to either the “land” or to “sliding”, and usage of the word has implied a much more extensive meaning than its component parts suggest. Ground subsidence and collapse are excluded.

Lyme Regis from the south-west. (Image Source: Geoff Davis).

The Spittles landslide system, showing large scale landsliding in the Charmouth Mudstone Formation and in the Upper Greensand above. This landslide system is expanding westwards towards Lyme Regis. (Image Source: Geoff Davis).

Landslides:  Key References 

EPOCH. 1993. The temporal occurrence and forecasting of landslides in the European community (Ed: Flageollet, J. C.). Contract No. 90 0025, 3 Volumes.

Hutchinson, J. N. 1988. General Report: Morphological and geotechnical parameters of landslides in relation to geology and hydrogeology. Proceedings, Fifth International Symposium on Landslides (Ed: Bonnard, C.), 1, 3-35. Rotterdam: Balkema

Varnes, D. J. 1978. Slope movement types and processes. In: Special Report 176: Landslides: Analysis and Control (Eds: Schuster, R. L. & Krizek, R. J.). Transportation and Road Research Board, National Academy of Science, Washington D. C., 11-33.

WP/ WLI. (International Geotechnical Societies UNESCO Working Party on World Landslide Inventory) 1990. A suggested method for reporting a landslide. Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology, No. 41, 5-12.

WP/ WLI. (
International Geotechnical Societies UNESCO Working Party on World Landslide Inventory) 1991. A suggested method for a landslide summary. Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology, No. 43, 101-110.

WP/ WLI. (
International Geotechnical Societies UNESCO Working Party on World Landslide Inventory) 1993. A suggested method for describing the activity of a landslide. Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology, No. 47, 53-57.

WP/ WLI. (
International Geotechnical Societies UNESCO Working Party on World Landslide Inventory) 1995. A suggested method for describing the rate of movement of a landslide. Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology, No. 52, 75-78.

Dikau, R., Brunsden, D., Schrott, L. & M.-L. Ibsen (Eds.) 1996. Landslide Recognition. Identification, Movement and Causes. Wiley & Sons, Chichester.

Brunsden, D. 1984 Mudslides. In Slope Instability (eds D. Brunsden and D.B. Prior), Wiley, Chichester, pp. 363-418.

Cruden, D.M., 1993, The Multilingual Landslide Glossary, Bitech Publishers, Richmond., British Columbia, for the UNESCO Working Party on World Landslide Inventory in 1993.

Brown, W.M., Cruden, D.M., and Dennison, J.S., 1992. The Directory of the World Landslide Inventory. United States Geological Survey, Open-File Report 92-427, 216 p.

Cruden, D.M., 1991. A simple definition of a landslide. Bulletin International Association for Engineering Geology, 43: 27-29.

International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 1981. Technical Terms, Symbols and Definitions in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish used in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Canadian Geotechnical Society.


WP/WLI (International Geotechnical Societies=UNESCO Working Party on World Landslide Inventory), 1993. Multilingual Landslide Glossary. BiTech Publishers Ltd,

Winter, M. G., Macgregor, F & Shackman, L (Eds) 2005. Scottish Road Network Landslides Study. The Scottish Executive. Edinburgh.

Cooper, R.G. 2007. Mass Movements in Great Britain, Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 33, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough, 348 pp.

Landslide & Slope Instability Geohazards: Further Information

Landslide Introduction  | Landslide Types | Landslide Distribution  | Landslide Classification | Causes & Triggers | Rock Fall | Rock Topple | Rock Slide | Block Slide | Rock Flow | Rock Avalanche | Sturzstrom | Debris Fall | Debris Topple | Debris Slide | Block Slide | Debris Spread | Debris Flow | Soil Fall | Soil Topple | Soil Slide | Slab Slide | Soil Spread | Soil Flow |


Engineering Group Working Party on Geological Hazards